Let’s get learning on the Geography Bee! The Geography Bee is a bee that students can participate in. Schools across the nation are able to participate in their school Geography Bee then maybe get chosen to compete in the finals.
Fifth grader Amelia Perret said she studied for the quiz 5 minutes a day. Amelia is the winner of our school wide McGehee Geography Bee which means she has to take a big exam that shows if she can make it to the finals! When she was with Mrs. Toomey, she studied 30 to 40 minutes a day. She definitely had to take a quiz. Amelia studied both at home and at school. She studied more afterschool then before school. To study, Mrs. Toomey gave her books and she also studied with the internet. Amelia’s parents didn’t help her study a lot. Apparently, mostly a lot of culture and physical geography questions were on the quiz. Luckily, Amelia gets to go to state and compete with 100 other students in Louisiana!
Mrs. Toomey, a history teacher at McGehee, said, “11 students from grades 5 – 8 participated.” The winner from each school takes a multiple choice exam in order to try and compete on the state level. The top 100 scores in each state compete in the state geography bee. One winner from each state goes all the way to Washington D.C. to compete in the National Geography Bee! Students from Louise S. McGehee School studied for the bee on Day 7 during Activity Period. Their school Geography Bee was held on December 19, 2012. Mrs. Toomey of course thought that it was fun! Mrs. Toomey’s favorite part about the Geography Bee is working with students she doesn’t work with daily in class. She claims it gives her an opportunity to know them more personally as well!
The National Geography Bee has two different bees; one is for the homeschooled students and another is for the students who go to public or private schools. You can’t be older than 15 to be able to compete in the bee. The National Geography Bee is going to be held in Washington D.C. Students from grades 4 – 8 students are allowed to participate.
The Geography Bee can help students learn about geography instead of constantly learning English, Science, Math, and History and other daily subjects. The Geography Bee can really help students learn something and that it’s not just like a fun activity or a random Activity Period. This bee could give students an opportunity to fix mistakes if they need to and grow more mature over the course of the year.
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