Tuesday, March 12, 2013

McGehee Mardi Gras Mambo

by Conery S.

Middle School has been doing the McGehee Mardi Gras Mambo. This year, unlike last year, there was a Mardi Gras Court, including one maid from each fifth, sixth, and seventh grades, and a Mardi Gras Queen from eighth grade. There was still a fashion show but this Mardi Gras Court idea certainly jazzed up the day. 

Each maid was chosen for different personalities. The fifth grade maid was chosen for her friendship. This girl is nice to everyone and puts others before herself. The sixth grade maid was chosen for her integrity. She always stands up for what’s right and always encourages her classmates to be the best version of themselves. The seventh grade maid was chosen for her service. She is always willing to offer her services to others and participates willingly in both school and her community. The Queen shows all of these qualities and is a true leader.

This year’s court included Emily Smither in 5th grade, Julia Beery in 6th grade, Keely Culbertson in 7th grade, and Emily Davidson in 8th grade.

“I was very excited when I found out I was one of the maids! I loved it and it was pretty cool that I was on the first McGehee Mardi Gras Court! My favorite part was getting the tiara and it was so sweet when everyone came up to the stage and congratulated me!” 5th grade maid Emily Smither said. 

          “I was really surprised when I found out I was queen because there are a lot of great people in my class it could’ve been. It was a huge honor,” 8th grade queen Emily Davidson said. “I really liked the court idea and I thought I was cool that the court was nominated by peers and voted on by the teachers. I had so much fun and I loved watching the costume contest!” 

After the court was unveiled, everyone enjoyed the Royal Entertainment of the fashion show. “I had a lot of fun! My favorite costume was Mrs. White’s which included an intricate hat and purple clothes.” 5th grader Jasmyne Mills said. Everyone is looking forward to next year’s Mardi Gras party.
The Executive Committee. Photo taken by Connie Harlan.

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